Coronavirus :General Recommendations For Travellers....

First published in 2020 ...

It is prudent for travellers who are sick to delay or avoid travel to affected areas, in particular for elderly travellers and people with chronic diseases or underlying health conditions.

 “Affected areas” are considered those countries, provinces, territories or cities experiencing ongoing transmission of COVID-19, in contrast to areas reporting only imported cases. 

General recommendations for all travellers include:

 Wash your hands frequently

 Avoid touching your eyes, mouth and nose

 Cover your mouth and nose with your bent elbow or tissue when you cough or sneeze

 Stay more than 1 meter (3 feet) away from a person who is sick

 Follow proper food hygiene practices

Travellers returning from affected areas should:

 Self-monitor for symptoms for 14 days and follow national protocols of receiving countries. Some countries may require returning travellers to enter quarantine. 

If symptoms occur, such as fever, or cough or difficulty breathing, travellers are advised to contact local health care providers, preferably by phone, and inform them of their symptoms and their travel history. 

Credit: World Health Organization  

Inserted by Zimbabwe Online Health Centre 

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